


劳拉·克普克是纽约州立大学弗雷多尼亚分校的巴松管教授,她于2007年开始任教。作为一名管弦乐演奏家,她是伊利爱乐乐团的首席巴松手和城市音乐克利夫兰室内乐团的首席巴松手,她还在2014年和2015年担任协奏曲独奏者。其他独奏演出包括与西纽约室内乐团和果园公园交响乐团的协奏曲表演。在Fredonia之前,劳拉住在纽约市,在那里她享受着活跃的自由职业生涯。她与俄耳甫斯室内乐团合作,在欧洲和美国巡演,并在家中卡内基音乐厅和艾弗里·费雪音乐厅举办了多次音乐会。她还曾与美国作曲家乐团、纽约流行乐团、圣卢克乐团、美国交响乐团、布鲁克林爱乐乐团和纽约市歌剧院等乐团合作演出。从1998年到2009年,劳拉是国际知名的木管五重奏,美洲五重奏的成员。与五重奏的三张唱片包括“在哥伦比亚跳舞”(MSR Classics,)“卡雷尔·胡萨回忆”(新世界纪录)和“巴西之声”(MSR经典)。劳拉曾作为客座艺术家与Zephyros Winds、North Country Chamber Players、Sequitur和林肯中心室内乐协会合作演出。 She has performed at many summer festivals, including the Bard Festival, Bang on a Can, Festival of the Hamptons, Lincoln Center Festival, and with the Chautauqua Symphony. Laura performed as principal bassoonist at the Carmel Bach Festival in 2015 and 2016, and will return as principal bassoonist in 2019. Previous teaching positions include New York University, Manhattan School of Music Pre-college, Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College, and Western Connecticut State University. Laura graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College/Conservatory of Music, and received the Alumni Achievement Award in 2005. She holds a Master’s Degree and Artist Diploma from the Yale University School of Music.